Easter Update

Easter Update

A third of the way through the year, and its been great; prereleases, new TCGs, boardgaming oh my!

Easter Trading Hours

It was pointed out to me today that Good Friday is a restricted trading day (guess who hasn't worked a "normal" job for well over a decade?) While there's an argument we might be able to run an event that night, it's a bit awkward not being able to sell anything so we are closed this Friday. Back open again on Saturday though!

Upcoming Events

Friday Night Magic

Carrying on every Friday (except Good Friday) we've got our regular 6pm $25 draft. One more crack at Phyrexia: All Will Be One before shifting to March of the Machine

March of the Machine Pre-release

Two events on Saturday 15th:

Solo Sealed Flight 11am-5pm $50

Two-Headed Giant 6pm-10pm $90 per team

Two-headed Giant (2HG) is a fun way to experience the new set with a teammate at your side! If you know how to play the game "normally", then you know how to play 2HG - you just need to re-evaluate what cards you think are good!

Flesh and Blood Armories

Armories are happening every Saturday (except for the 15th - see the prerelease!) Blitz format, and if you don't have a deck yet you can grab one of the many $20 offerings we have available in-store.

$5 entry, 5pm start, with lots of cool Legend Story Studios sponsored swag up for grabs.

Ultimate Guard

We've expanded our Ultimate Guard Range to include a big range of their Hives, and also Sidewinders and Boulders. Lots of new options for deck storage!


That's it for now, look forward to seeing you all in-store soon!

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