How time flies!
MOM Prerelease is in the rearview mirror and in just 3 weeks we will be cracking open Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth! Let's keep all this news short and sweet:
Magic: the Gathering Events
Aftermath - Story Two-Headed Giant - $60 per team
This Saturday 6pm-10pm we get to see the full breadth of the Phyrexian Invasion, starting with two packs of potential sleeper agents in Dominaria United, going back in time with Teferi to see exactly how to activate the sylex with two packs of Brothers' War, confronting the horrors of New Phyrexia in two packs of Phyrexia: All Will Be One and fighting back the invasion with two packs of March of the Machine. For every 4 full Giants in the event, we'll be adding a box of March of the Machine: Aftermath Epilogue boosters to the prize pool. Some of these will be based on performance, and some... well, you'll just have to wait and see on the day!
Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth
Draft Week Release The Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-Earth - Fri 16th June - 6pm - $30
Replacing our regular FNM for the week, we'll be starting off the new set with a 3 round Swiss Draft.
The Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-Earth Prerelease - Sat 17th June - 11am - $65
The main course of the pre-release weekend, if you've already had a go at the draft this is basically as good as second breakfast!
2HG - The Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-Earth Prerelease - Sat 17th June - 6pm - $100
Find the Samwise to your Frodo and get ready to face three other mini-fellowships over 3 swiss rounds of two-headed giant madness! Just watch out for the Cave Troll...
Friday Night Magic Draft: Every Friday, $25-$30, 6pm-10pm
Same as always, every Friday with FNM promos and Store Credit up for grabs! We'll be shifting to a $30 entry for the drafts of LotR to accommodate the higher price point.
Flesh & Blood Events
Nothing beats getting together to battle each other and make new friends in the flesh and blood! Our regular Saturday armories have been pumping, including our first ever Draft last weekend, and we've got some spicy events coming up.
Road to Nationals - Sat 3rd June - 11am - $40
The only Road to Nationals event here in Canterbury, get your tickets to test your mettle against everyone else who wants to qualify for the National Championship. Classic Constructed, decklists required.
Armory - Monarch Draft - Sat 24th June - $20
To prepare for the upcoming War of the Monarch prerelease (July 9th), we're spending our monthly Draft Armory getting a feel for the various Light & Dark heroes introduced to the game.
Armory - Blitz - Every* Saturday - 5pm - $5
Quick games, young heroes, awesome promos - what more could you want?
Paint with me!
In an effort to show you all that painting halfway decent minis and terrain doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, or take months of time, I've started a new blog series here. This'll be getting us nicely ready for the release of 10th Edition 40k; if you know you're looking for anything from the new releases coming up *cough* Leviathan *cough* use the "Contact Us" form to make sure you don't miss out!
New Board Games
A couple of new boardgames we got in today that might be of interest to people:
Flamecraft has adorable and cute dragons! That's it. That's the pitch.
Astro Knights is a co-operative deckbuilder from the team behind Aeon's End which, if its anything like its more fantastical predecessor, will be absolutely punishing in the best way possible! Leaving you feeling like a genius when you pull off that perfect discard stack, and fuming at the enemies "unfair" abilities, I've already got myself a copy!