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Latest News!

Here's a quick update for the week of the 23rd of January. Enjoy!

Boardgames Upgrade

Eagle-eyed customers might have spotted that most of our Boardgame Pages have had a major overhaul, check them out here. You're now able to get more info about a product from the comfort of your own home! Plus they come with pretty pictures.

Getting a big restock after the Christmas period was what prompted this, so you'll notice we have a lot more back in-stock/newly stocked, including the much-requested Muffin Time and Here to Slay!

The Brothers War' Goodbye Sealed

The Brothers' War was the set that we opened our Brick and Mortar store with, so we're going to give it a grand goodbye! This Saturday (28th January) from midday will be a a great time; there's a link for more info and tickets here.

Sealed Deck is where most people learn to play tournaments, and its a natural progression from Jumpstart. Which of course, brings us to:

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Pre-Release

We've got our official WPN Endorsement, so (all going to plan) we will be running our first Pre-release on Saturday 4th February. Pre-purchasing tickets for this is essential as stock is very limited.

Custom Orders

Just a reminder that if you are one of the customers who knows exactly what they want, you can be one of the very happy ones who gets it by putting in a Custom Order with us! We've got access to the full Games Workshop Range, and a much wider variety of Boardgames and Accessories than we have in-store, so fire off a message and we'll see what we can do!

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