"Paint with me" Episode 3

"Paint with me" Episode 3

After last time's learning - zenithal under a metallic spray doesn't really do anything*, I decided to try and "dirty up" three of those pieces, and experiment with something vaguely resembling a zenithal... but only using Black/Leadbelcher!

*by virtue of the spray being intended as primer it's probably not just metallics that will  have this (lack of) effect.


So, here we have everything prepped - right hand corner piece is completely bare, other three are from last time.


My goal was to just try and lightly throw some black over the Leadbelcher; I know it won't give the same shadows that the zenithal effect does, but I was just hoping for a bit more texture/less cleanliness. There are definitely other approaches I could have taken here (drybrushing, adding a wash/contrast) but as the goal of this series is to show you what you can achieve with minimal supplies/effort, I wanted to see what we could achieve with just our spray.

You can pretty clearly see the black "streak" across this one here - I'm not thrilled with it, but it definitely gives it more texture.

Here you can see the "light" Leadbelcher zenithal over Chaos Black that I think I'm settling on for how I'm going to approach the rest of the terrain.

So this is the three "dirtied up". Not great but an improvement, and realistically perfectly table-ready.

Here they are from the previous episode for comparison.

Here's the freshly painted corner piece:

And I'm really happy with it. Nice and quick, only two paints, and both in spray form. I think I'll look to either slap a wash or a contrast over it still eventually - but that's for further down the line.

So here's our three different attempts, newest -> oldest.

A reminder of the techniques:

Left: zenithal Leadbelcher (light) over Chaos Black

Centre: Zenithal Leadbelcher (heavy) over Zenithal White Scar over Chaos Black. Black texture lightly sprayed over.

Right: Zenithal Leadbelcher (light) over Zenithal White Scar over Chaos Black


Next time we're probably just banging out a bunch more in the Leadbelcher/Chaos Black Zenithal style.

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