"Paint with me" Episode 4

"Paint with me" Episode 4

Short and sharp - here we go with a couple of sets of terrain; Leadbelcher zenithal spray over Chaos Black! (We're on the home stretch for the Command Edition/Extra Terrain)

Naked gray terrain

I decided I was very happy with last times approach, so just wanted to try using it en masse.

Black Undercoat

Midway through this, I finally emptied the first can of Chaos Black - that'll give you an idea about how much coverage you can get out of each can!


Y'know what? That almost looks like a battlefield! Probably a bit tight for WH40k, but could work for Kill Team/Necromunda.

Onto the pipes!

Naked gray pipes

Chaos Black Base

Nice base coat.


Job's a good 'un!


With that done, we're at a point we can easily field terrain for a table or two of Combat Patrol! I still want to finish up the Armored Containers before starting on any armies, but that should really be one more round of good weather and then we're sorted!

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