"Paint With Me" Episode 6
Test painting the Assault Intercessors (see Episode 5) has left me with a simple yet effective colour scheme, that shouldn't take too long to smash out. We're painting the Space Marine Combat Patrol found in the Leviathan Box - it also comes with one for the Tyranids, and a whole heap of other goodies in there too!
First up: 5x Infernus Marines
Here you can see the Zenithal priming we did with Chaos Black and White Scar.
Basilicanum Grey for the base coat. As you can see on the Sergeant's pauldrons, one coat probably isn't enough, unless you're going for a textured look.
Leadbelcher on anything metallic.
Mephiston Red for the Chestpiece, and weapon accents.
Averland Sunset for the Purity Seals, pauldron trim and a couple of other details.
Bugman's glow for the head of our Sergeant. I wasn't sure what this would look like, but it's the "flesh" colour included in the base paint kit - and I'm happy enough!
A little bit of Runelord Brass(? I think?) to give the pyreblasters a bit of a burnt look, gets us almost done.
Finally, a very watered down Macragge Blue for our sergeants hair - because space may be grimdark, but its still the future ;) Other than basing, these guys are well and truly table-ready!
Next, our Terminator Squad.
Zenithal Terminators. Good start.
Basilicanum Grey. Very definitely trying not to hold back with the Contrast Paint.
I can't quite tell which order these went in - Mephiston Red for the gun accents, chestpieces, eyes etc, or the Leadbelcher for the metal. And I may have bounced between them tidying up the odd bit here and there.
Averland Sunset for the yellow details, and that's basically it!
Finally we had the two characters - I took my time with these but they followed the same base process I've outlined above.
Also where I tested out my paint-scheme for the 'nids...
So this is how they sat for a while:
Until I managed to dig out my old (like... ~25 years) models and supplies including some gorgeous old flock which lead to this:
Warboss Green rims on the base, flock on the top:
There we go! I might still look at throwing some Nuln Oil over them as a bit of an experiment, but otherwise - I give you a completed Combat Patrol!