Remember, remember, the 4th of November...
...the Once Upon a Sealed Two-Headed Giant Plot! Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? Lots of information, so let's go!
WOE Once Upon a Sealed Two-Headed Giant
A great event to see off Wilds of Eldraine. True Two-Headed Giant (none of this, 12-packs pre-release nonsense, you get 8 packs for your team and you'll be happy about it!) Swiss rounds and a full box of WOE Collector boosters in the prize pool! What more could you want? How about a Lotus Petal promo too?
Reduced Hours
I'm running away to Ozzie for the weekend, so Gwen's in charge of the shop! This may impact fulfilment times for orders. Changed Opening ours will be:
Thurs: 1500-2100
Fri: 1500-2130
Sat: 1230-2000(ish)
Upcoming Events:
We've got a full couple of months coming up, starting off with our Two-Headed Giant Event I've already mentioned.
Magic: the Gathering
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Pre-release
Friday Night Prerelease Draft - Fri 10th Nov - 1800-2200 - $25
Saturday Solo Sealed - Sat 11th Nov - 1100-1700 - $50
Saturday Two-Headed Giant Sealed - Sat 11th Nov - 1800-2200 - $50 (per player)
LCI Store Champs (Standard) - Sat 2nd Dec - 1100-1700 - $30
ANZ Super Series Cycle 5 Qualifier (LCI Sealed) - Sat 09th Dec - 1100 - $75
Friday Night Magic Draft - Every Friday - 1800 - $20
Flesh and Blood
Calling: Queenstown - Fri 19 Jan - Sun 21 Jan
The cat's out of the bag and we are hosting the biggest TCG Tournament the South Island has ever seen!
Skirmish Season 8 (Blitz) - Sun 26 Nov - 1200-1700 - $30
Armory - Every Saturday - 1700-1930 - $5 (Blitz), $20 (Draft)
On-Demand Events - we are regularly running "extra" events or casual meetups before our Armories. If you're after even more FAB, jump into the Discord and make your voice heard!
Warhammer 40'000 Paint 'n Play
Sat 25th Nov - 1130-1630 - $5 (prebooked) $10 (on the day)
With a great turnout for our last couple of Warhammer 40'000 days, we're trying to give you all a bit more of a heads up and time to get those Combat Patrols painted up!
One Piece TCG
It's finally happened! After being open for nearly a year, we've managed to keep a reasonable amount of One Piece TCG on the shelves for a significant period of time! We have the new set "Awakening of the New Era" coming in December (along with a new Starter Deck). Preorders are up if you don't want to miss out!
And we might even use this to start off some unofficial events... keep those eyes peeled!
D&D Minis
A reminder that we have recently refreshed our range of Nolzur's D&D Miniatures. Like anything in-store, if there's a specific class/monster/race you're looking for that we don't have, just reach out and we'll see if we can source one1