Welcome to 2023!
New Year, New Post!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday period playing plenty of games and spending time with their loved ones. It was busy for us at the store and we appreciate everyone's patience with getting orders/buylists sorted.
Upcoming Events
Dominaria Remastered Launch Party
Saturday 14th January, 1pm, 24 Tickets available, $70 Entry
6x Draft Boosters of Dominaria Remastered. Extremely limited stock; this is tagged for use in the event and only after will it become available for regular purchase.
Not-quite-Friday Night Magic
Every Friday, 6pm, $25 Entry
We're well on our way to getting our WPN certification, so with a bit of luck this will be changing its name soon!
Open Boardgaming
3rd Saturday of the Month, 1pm, FREE!
Come on down and make some new friends while trying out an old classic or the new hotness!
We intend to continue adding more and varied events, so keep an eye on the calendar!
Secret Lairs
After a bit of a hiccup with our backend, our Secret Lairs are back and available for purchase, including these absolutely gorgeous pair by famous mangaka Junji Ito and Yoji Shinkawa. As always when we get new Secret Lair Stock in, we re-price to market value. Still no intention on opening any for singles, yet...
We've got our first set of Pokemon Boosters available for purchase, from what I hear we're one of the only places North of the Waimakariri who are stocking them, so be sure to get in and grab them! If you're interested in Elite Trainer Boxes and other goodies, let me know and I'll look about adding them to my orders.
Citadel Spray
The Big Black Locked Cabinet in the Wargaming corner is full of these goodies - R18 sales and in-store only. I get a new shipment every quarter, so when this set runs out we're going to be waiting for another 3 months or so.
A selection of playmats from my travels around the globe are available for purchase in-store. Many of these will be completely unique here in Aotearoa, as I was the only Kiwi Judge working at several of these events!